October 29, 2024 | 11:00 am | Sand Trap | Niagara-on-the-Lake
Please click on the link and select 'Join the Team'
(select NOTL Team, our Club number is 29972) or Sponsor.
Once you’ve registered, you can forward your personal link to your family and friends to encourage them to sponsor you.
For questions, email Bill French.
At the World Health Summit in October of 2022, Global leaders committed $2.6 billion USD to end polio. Rotary has committed to contribute $150M USD to that end. The goal is to: Permanently interrupt all poliovirus transmission in Pakistan and Afghanistan, stop transmission of CVDPV and prevent outbreaks in non-endemic countries by 2023; and certify the world free from polio (meaning no cases have been detected for three years) by 2026.
Please help eradicate this debilitating disease.
With your help, we can end polio for good.
Thank you for your support.